Can I Use Colace During Pregnancy? – Ease and Safety

Pregnancy is a time of wonder, excitement, and, unfortunately, a host of unfamiliar bodily changes. Constipation is one of the less glamorous side effects that many expectant mothers experience.

As they seek relief, many ponder, “Can I use Colace during pregnancy?” Dive into this comprehensive guide for everything you need to know about Colace and pregnancy.

The Basics of Colace

Colace capsules on table

Colace, widely recognized as a gentle stool softener, has garnered considerable attention from expectant mothers looking for safe constipation relief. But what exactly is Colace, and how does it work?

What is It?

Colace, or docusate sodium, is an over-the-counter stool softener that helps moisten the stool, making it easier to pass. Unlike laxatives, which stimulate the intestines to push stool out, Colace works by increasing the water and fat content in the stool.

How Does It Differ from Other Laxatives?

Laxatives typically stimulate the bowel muscles to increase their activity. This stimulation can sometimes lead to cramping or discomfort. In contrast, stool softeners like Colace act more passively, allowing for a more comfortable bowel movement without spasms or cramps.

Pregnancy and Constipation

It’s no secret that pregnancy brings along a myriad of symptoms, one of which is constipation. But why is this so common among pregnant women?

Why Constipation Occurs During Pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal Changes: The hormone progesterone rises during pregnancy, causing the muscles of the intestines to relax. This can slow down the movement of food and waste, leading to constipation.
  2. Pressure from the Growing Uterus: As the baby grows, the expanding uterus can press on the intestines, slowing down the passage of stool.
  3. Prenatal Vitamins: Iron, a common ingredient in prenatal vitamins, can exacerbate constipation.

Natural Remedies for Constipation During Pregnancy:

  • Dietary Adjustments: Increasing fiber intake can help. Consider adding whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to your diet.
  • Staying Hydrated: Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can worsen constipation.
  • Regular Exercise: Gentle activities like walking can promote healthy bowel movements.

Safety of Colace During Pregnancy

The paramount concern for any expectant mother is the safety of her unborn child. This section delves deep into the safety profile of Colace during pregnancy.

What Research Says

The study by Franz Rosa, MD as well as the text by UK Teratology Information Service indicated that docusate sodium, the active ingredient in Colace, does not pose significant risks during pregnancy. It does not cross the placenta to the fetus and has not been associated with birth defects or other complications.

Recommendations from Healthcare Professionals

Most obstetricians and gynecologists consider Colace safe to use during pregnancy, especially when compared to stimulant laxatives. However, they typically advise starting with the lowest effective dose and using it only when necessary.

Potential Side Effects:

  • Cramping: Some users might experience mild cramping.
  • Throat irritation: Occasionally, Colace can cause mild irritation in the throat if not swallowed properly.
  • Diarrhea: Overuse can lead to loose stools. It’s essential to follow the recommended dosage.

Alternatives to Colace

While Colace is a popular choice, there are other alternatives available for those who prefer a different route or find that Colace isn’t working for them.

Fiber Supplements

  • Psyllium Husk: Often found in products like Metamucil, it bulks up the stool, promoting easier passage.
  • Methylcellulose: Found in products like Citrucel, this also acts as a bulking agent.

Natural Laxatives:

  • Prune Juice: A classic remedy, prune juice can be very effective due to its high sorbitol content.
  • Senna: A plant-based stimulant laxative, often considered safe during pregnancy but best used under a healthcare provider’s guidance.

Personal Testimonies

woman silhouette

Personal experiences often offer unique insights. Here are a few testimonies from women who’ve used Colace during their pregnancy.

  • Sarah’s Journey: Sarah, a first-time mother, shared, “During my second trimester, constipation became a daily struggle. My doctor suggested Colace, and it was a game-changer. I could finally feel comfortable, and I experienced no side effects.”
  • Maya’s Mixed Experience: “For me, Colace was hit or miss,” Maya recalls. “Sometimes it worked wonders, while other times I felt mild cramping. I eventually switched to natural remedies, which suited me better.”
  • Elena’s Alternative Route: Elena tried Colace initially but later stated, “I felt more at ease using prune juice and increasing my water intake. These natural remedies, coupled with daily walks, alleviated my constipation.”

Tips for Safe Usage

If you’re considering using Colace, following these safety tips can enhance your experience and ensure both your and your baby’s well-being.

Always Read the Label

While it may seem obvious, always read the label for dosage instructions, potential side effects, and any contraindications.

Stay Hydrated

Water can help enhance the effectiveness of Colace. A well-hydrated body ensures soft stools and eases their passage.

Monitor Frequency

Take note of how often you’re relying on Colace. If it becomes a daily necessity for extended periods, consult your healthcare provider for alternative solutions.


How Often Can I Take Colace?

  • Dosage Guidance: The recommended dose for adults, including pregnant women, is 50 to 300 mg daily, divided into 1 to 6 doses. However, always start with the lowest effective dose.
  • Overuse Concerns: Continuous use or high doses can lead to dependency. It’s best to use Colace for short-term relief and rely on natural remedies for long-term management.

Can I Combine Colace with Other Remedies?

  • Combination with Fiber: Combining a stool softener like Colace with fiber supplements can offer dual-action relief. However, remember to increase fluid intake when consuming more fiber.
  • Other Medications: Always consult with a healthcare provider before combining Colace with other medications to avoid potential interactions.

When Should I Seek Medical Attention?

  • Severe Cramping: If you experience severe abdominal pain or cramping, discontinue use and consult a physician.
  • Lack of Bowel Movement: If after 72 hours there’s still no bowel movement, seek medical advice. This could be a sign of a more significant issue.
  • Allergic Reaction: Though rare, if you notice symptoms like rash, itching, or swelling, especially of the face/tongue/throat, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing, get medical help immediately.

Final Words

Pregnancy, with all its wonder, also brings about challenges. Constipation is just one hurdle, and while Colace can be a viable solution, it’s crucial to stay informed, listen to your body, and always prioritize open dialogue with healthcare professionals.

It might also be beneficial to understand related issues, such as constipation in children, as you navigate through the journey of parenthood. Your journey is unique, and the best decisions are those made with both knowledge and intuition.